Updated Temecula GWSS monitoring - late August

GWSS activity remains high, but has come down substantially since the last update. Such declines this time of year are typical, and we'd normally expect to see them decline substantially further in the coming weeks. However, this unusually late heat wave may delay those declines a bit

seasonal counts

A quick note about sharpshooter trapping. The yellow-sticky trapping counts for GWSS likely reflect a combination of actual insect population densities (i.e. numbers) but also their activity levels (i.e. flight, feeding behavior). This is in part because flight and feeding behavior of many insects, including GWSS, are temperature dependent. Ultimately, the distinction does not matter much for vectors since their impact (i.e. pathogen transmission) stems from a combination of abundance and activity/feeding 


A total of approximately 300 GWSS adults were caught on the 112 traps deployed. 54 traps collected at least one sharpshooter, while 27 captured 10 or more. Fewer insects were collected on most traps, but several of the same traps near three hotspots spread throughout the Central and Eastern portion of the Valley continued to have relatively high counts. 

Please contact Matt (mattd@ucr.edu; 951-255-2807) for more information

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