In addition to the continuing monitoring of GWSS in commercial vineyards in the Temecula area, a cooperative pest monitoring project was recently initiated, using grower- supplied trap counts. Ultimately this will include information on glassy-winged sharpshooter, western grapeleaf skeletonizer (WGLS; Harrisina brillians), and vine mealybug (VMB; Planococcus ficus) - from primarily small growers in areas of Riverside and San Diego counties surrounding Temecula
The goal is to provide additional information on GWSS for these outlying areas, but also to capture spatial and temporal trends for WGLS and VMB, whose dynamics are not well characterized in Southern California
Results of this additional source of pest monitoring will be periodically posted here. For more information about this program, please contact Matt Daugherty ( or Carmen Gispert (
Several of the participating growers are just now getting traps set up. As a result, below are preliminary results for GWSS and WGLS. Check back every couple of weeks for more complete and up-to-date information
GWSS records were reported for a total of 19 traps spread among 6 vineyards. Collectively, 6 GWSS were collected, which is a lower per trap catch in the last Temecula GWSS areawide monitoring (red line). The lower counts likely represent small sample sizes and are likely to be fall more in line with the next Temecula monitoring, which will be available in the next few days
The map on the left, below, shows the distribution of GWSS. Most of the traps captured few or no GWSS over the last couple of weeks
The map above, on the right, shows those distribution of WGLS captures from the 5 sites that reported. Four of the 5 sites captured multiple skeletonizer adults - as many as 13 on a trap