Updates on GWSS monitoring in Temecula

As noted, the Temecula GWSS Areawide Monitoring Program formally wound down in June. Fortunately, the winegrape industry has initiated an analogous monitoring program with funding  provided by the Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association.

Ultimately, the hope is to establish an online data dashboard with real-time monitoring information and notes to keep growers apprised of relevant issues with GWSS and Pierce's disease. For the time being, we'll post those details here. As always, feel free to contact Matt (mattd@ucr.edu) with any questions, feedback, or requests for more information.


Three censuses have been conducted over the last six weeks. After a significant delay in GWSS activity, likely due to our wet/cool Spring, GWSS has made up for lost time. Trap counts are approximately a month behind typical patterns, but they're on track to meet or exceed historic averages from the last decade plus.

seasonal counts

Earlier this week, among the 115 traps that were checked, 39 had GWSS, for a total of 111 GWSS, and as many as 14 caught on a trap. As you can see below those traps with GWSS captures were fairly widespread throughout the area.    

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